Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bureaucracy Sucks!

Today, I had a meeting with my senior advisor to go over the classes I needed in order to graduate. A good thing and a bad thing arose from that arrangement. I'll save the bad news for last. First, I found out that I can declare an Economics minor and not have to take any more classes in that subject. Now for the bad. I decided to erase my Physics minor. That meant that I would have to complete the natural science general education requirement. (stupid SUNY!!!) In order to do that, a class from two separate areas in the natural sciences needed to be completed. I thought that I was covered, but I guess not. The advisor said that my chemistry class covered one of the subject area requirements, but none of my FIVE classes in physics covered the other one. Perhaps the most frustrating part of this was the fact that one of the classes that I did take was an exact replica of a class that fell under the general education requirement except that it was calculus-based instead of non-calculus. I tried to tell the advisor this and she said that there was no way to circumvent the decision. It was already decided upon by the general education director. So I felt like that I only had one other option.

I went to my ex-advisor in Physics and asked him if he could help. He couldn't believe what I was telling him that the class wouldn't count. Thank god that there are some logical people in this world! Needless to say, he said he would fight the director on this decision and hopefully that gen ed will be completed, allowing me to graduate with only needing to take a summer class instead of another whole semester.

On top of all of this, I had two midterms today that certainly didn't help to ease my stress level. Hopefully, tomorrow will be much less eventful, as I feel that another day like today could trigger a heart attack.

BTW.. I'm a tilting monkey at poker

Poker Bankroll: $80.85

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