Monday, October 13, 2008

Who to ask?

Today is going to be a pretty slow day, as most Mondays are with no class until 2pm. So, I have decided to write letters to ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school. I need to have three recommendations for the majority of my applications and I have decided that an academic, profession, as well as a peer letter would be the best route to go. Hopefully, it will show how well rounded and qualified of an individual I am.

I know who I am going to ask for my professional and peer letters, but am still up in the air for my academic recommendation. I want to ask somebody that can assess my academic potential well, but being an undergraduate student, I haven't had the same professor twice and I am not really a student that goes to office hours to ask for help. So, I think I am going to ask a professor that I am currently taking a class with. He knows me pretty well, even though I have only known him for a month or so and he is very friendly and we get along well. Anyways, other than getting the ball rolling on the application process for grad school, I feel pretty lazy today.. :)

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