Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finals Suck...

So, I really hate finals right about now, my first two weren't too bad as I had a B and an A- in the classes before going into those finals. However, now I have my gauntlet coming up with Corporate Finance, International Finance, and Econometrics finals all in the next two days. If I make it through these with any sense of sanity, I will consider it a victory. Here's to keeping my GPA over 3.0 for the semester.

Anticipated Grades:

Federal Tax Accounting: B-

Corporate Finance: A

Econometrics: C-

Economics of Baseball: A

International Finance: B+

Estimated GPA: 3.13

If I actually achieve this, I think I'll cry...

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 209250

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Game's album L.A.X. is impressive.

I got a $10 Best Buy rewards card from buying my plasma TV this summer and decided to buy a CD with it. So, I decided to get The Game's new album, L.A.X. One word describes the album, wow. If you like rap at all, this must be in your collection. Everybody knows that The Game is known for his gangsta rap and this album doesn't let us down in that regard. His lyrics are tight and flow well. His one radio hit from this album, My Life feat. Lil Wayne is sure to not be the last one. He collaborates with alot of great artists from Ice Cube to Keyshia Cole to Travis Barker to Ludacris. This disc will be on repeat in my car for a while to come.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

CACR Books on the internet

Today, I bought the domain name cacrbooks.com and am currently contracting a web designer to create a website for my business. As soon as the designer is done with the webpage, I plan on having it up and running. Hopefully it'll be up and going a couple of weeks before christmas!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Entrepreneurial Spirit

So, as many of my close friends and family know, I am a very entrepreneurial person, having started many ventures in the past, from an income generating website to a produce wholesaler and vendor, the spirit has always been in me. Coming closer to graduation and receiving my bachelor's degree, I have realized that I am coming ever closer to entering the real world.

Today I listened to a lecture by a few prominent business and alum of Oswego State and what they had to say about life after college really made me think, on top of feeling sick. In a nutshell, they said that in the real world, it is not what you know, but who you know. Of course effort and persistence will help, but that is the bottom line. This had made me think about after college life. If you don't have a strong network of professionals, you're going to have to work much harder to achieve the same things in life as somebody with this, and that hard work doesn't even guarantee it.

My solution to this perception is to start my own business; not leaving a professional career on the whims of a corporate manager that I didn't go to school with or was not a fraternity buddy of his son. A degree in business has really helped me realize this dream. It has set the building blocks of success for a profitable entrepreneurial venture.

I have founded a business called CACR Books. I am currently in the process of obtaining used and new college textbooks from current and previous students to build an inventory. I have gotten sick and tired of buying books from a college bookstore and then four months later selling the book back for less than 20% of what I bought it for, even less if I bought the book new.

Researching this market, I have determined that there is ample room for entry, given the absolutely huge profit margins that these bookstores are experiencing. My business plan is to offer a better price to students for their books. This blog post is my delivery to the world of my first official business. I plan on leasing a site to store the books once my inventory becomes adequate.

So, calling out to all of my 3 readers, I am actively seeking textbooks and will pay a price better than a typical gouging bookstore. When the school semester ends, make sure to keep me in mind if you want more money for your books. In order to receive an offer for your books, email me at carl.chappell@gmail.com with the 10 or 13 ISBN number on bar code of the books that you wish to receive cash for. Yes, I will pay cash for the books and will pick up the books from you at a time convenient to you.

Soon, I plan on starting a web page that will become the internet home of this venture. I will publish another post when it comes online.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sleep habits?

So I thought that not having class until 1:50pm on Mondays and Wednesdays would be a good thing. About two months into the school year, I've started to realize that couldn't be farther from the truth. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have class at 9:35am and having such a differential on those days from Mondays and Wednesdays have been killing me. I don't like to go to bed and I admit that I have a little bit of a sleeping problem, so I don't go to bed until absolutely necessary. So waking up on one day at 12:30pm and 8:30am the next isn't exactly a good schedule to follow.
On a positive note, I think I'll be able to graduate after a summer class or 2 and am going to send out my recommendation requests for graduate school within the next week.

Poker Bankroll: $534.45

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Grad School or the real world?

A very smart person once told me that you could never get enough education. Neither one of my parents went to college, so naturally they helped to push me to go to school. Now that my undergraduate career is coming to an end, I have come to a crossroads, and no, I don't mean that terrible Britney Spears movie. I want to gain as much knowledge as I possibly can, I love to learn. I plan on attending graduate school, even though I know it may not be at the time I wanted to. I won't be able to graduate in May, and will need a summer class in order to finish my degree in August. Don't switch majors any later than freshman year folks. That puts me into an awkward position in apply for my master's degree. Do I apply now for the upcoming fall, or do I wait and apply the following year and get a job in the meantime. I know that I need to ask my academic advisor to see if I can still get into grad school after getting my degree during the summer, but my dream job doesn't necessarily require grad work.

I want to work for the federal government, either for the USDA or the NASS as an agricultural statistician. It combines my highly analytical mind along with my passion for farming, a perfect fit in my mind. Complicating the grad school issue is the fact that the government will pay for grad school after a year of work.

What to do, what to do...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bureaucracy Sucks!

Today, I had a meeting with my senior advisor to go over the classes I needed in order to graduate. A good thing and a bad thing arose from that arrangement. I'll save the bad news for last. First, I found out that I can declare an Economics minor and not have to take any more classes in that subject. Now for the bad. I decided to erase my Physics minor. That meant that I would have to complete the natural science general education requirement. (stupid SUNY!!!) In order to do that, a class from two separate areas in the natural sciences needed to be completed. I thought that I was covered, but I guess not. The advisor said that my chemistry class covered one of the subject area requirements, but none of my FIVE classes in physics covered the other one. Perhaps the most frustrating part of this was the fact that one of the classes that I did take was an exact replica of a class that fell under the general education requirement except that it was calculus-based instead of non-calculus. I tried to tell the advisor this and she said that there was no way to circumvent the decision. It was already decided upon by the general education director. So I felt like that I only had one other option.

I went to my ex-advisor in Physics and asked him if he could help. He couldn't believe what I was telling him that the class wouldn't count. Thank god that there are some logical people in this world! Needless to say, he said he would fight the director on this decision and hopefully that gen ed will be completed, allowing me to graduate with only needing to take a summer class instead of another whole semester.

On top of all of this, I had two midterms today that certainly didn't help to ease my stress level. Hopefully, tomorrow will be much less eventful, as I feel that another day like today could trigger a heart attack.

BTW.. I'm a tilting monkey at poker

Poker Bankroll: $80.85

Monday, October 13, 2008

Online Poker

Poker Bankroll: $200.60

I have decided to put $200.00 back onto Pokerstars that I have recently withdrawn and build up a bankroll. I'll start out shortstacking 50 NL. I know that is really bad bankroll management, but I feel that is the limit I need to start at to stay interested and playing shortstacked will help me a little with the fluctuations so I don't go busto.

Who to ask?

Today is going to be a pretty slow day, as most Mondays are with no class until 2pm. So, I have decided to write letters to ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school. I need to have three recommendations for the majority of my applications and I have decided that an academic, profession, as well as a peer letter would be the best route to go. Hopefully, it will show how well rounded and qualified of an individual I am.

I know who I am going to ask for my professional and peer letters, but am still up in the air for my academic recommendation. I want to ask somebody that can assess my academic potential well, but being an undergraduate student, I haven't had the same professor twice and I am not really a student that goes to office hours to ask for help. So, I think I am going to ask a professor that I am currently taking a class with. He knows me pretty well, even though I have only known him for a month or so and he is very friendly and we get along well. Anyways, other than getting the ball rolling on the application process for grad school, I feel pretty lazy today.. :)